Return to Mysterious Island follows Mina, a young woman trying to win the “Jules Verne Trophy”, which is awarded to those who sail around the world solo. Caught in a tremendous storm, she becomes stranded on the shores of a wild and apparently uninhabited island. As she explores her new … [Read more...] about Return to Mysterious Island
Adventure Games
Explore exotic places, unravel mysteries, and solve puzzles as you play Adventure Games.
From the team that brought you Torchlight and Torchlight II comes Hob: a vibrant, suspenseful action-adventure game set on a stunning and brutal world in disarray. As players delve into the mysteries around them, they discover a planet in peril. Can it be mended, or will the world fall further into … [Read more...] about Hob
Broken Age – The Complete Adventure
Broken Age is a family friendly, hand-animated, puzzle-filled adventure game with an all-star cast, including Elijah Wood, Jack Black and Masasa Moyo. Funded by a record breaking crowdfunding campaign and designed by industry legend Tim Schafer, Broken Age is a timeless coming-of-age story of … [Read more...] about Broken Age – The Complete Adventure
Uncertain of his sister's fate, a boy enters LIMBO plot The primary character in Limbo is a nameless boy, who awakens in the middle of a forest on the "edge of hell" (the game's title is taken from the Latin limbus, meaning "edge") in which he encounters a giant spider, who tries to kill him. … [Read more...] about LIMBO
Naija is a lonely sea creature who has called a small stretch of water her home for as long as she can remember.But a strange encounter awakens her from her life, which has seemed like a dream. Suddenly, emotions she has never felt before are released, and she cannot bear to stay. She realizes that … [Read more...] about Aquaria
Dreamfall – The Longest Journey
Casablanca, 2219 — Zoë Castillo is, at first glance, a very normal young woman, but she is about to get involved in a conspiracy that spans parallel worlds and hundreds of years. Something is affecting the world — static interference is disrupting technology, causing Zoë to see visions of a ghostly … [Read more...] about Dreamfall – The Longest Journey
Quern Undying Thoughts
Discover the truth about Quern’s past, unfold the mysteries of its present, and be the explorer who shapes its future. Quern introduces reusable puzzle mechanics to the classic genre, making the player think about the game as a whole, and not just as a series of individual challenges. You try to … [Read more...] about Quern Undying Thoughts
Hello Neighbor
Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game about sneaking into your neighbor's house to figure out what horrible secrets he's hiding in the basement. You play against an advanced AI that learns from your every move. Really enjoying climbing through that backyard window? Expect a bear trap there. … [Read more...] about Hello Neighbor
Oddworld – Munch’s Oddysee
Players guide Mudokon champion Abe, and his aquatic Gabbit partner Munch, in Oddworld's third adventure, using special psychic powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback as they reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar. … [Read more...] about Oddworld – Munch’s Oddysee
Little Big Adventure
Chilling dreams of destruction and doom fill your mind. You feel compelled to warn the world, but in so doing are imprisoned by the tyrannous Dr. Funfrock. Imprisoned because of a dream? You know in your soul that you must escape somehow and discover the meaning behind this mystery.As Twinsen, … [Read more...] about Little Big Adventure