The Enchanting Islands were filled with light and color until an evil sorceress spread darkness throughout the land. As Alice, you can restore this fairy-tale realm by collecting the elements you need to cast your spells and watching as tall trees, glistening pools and verdant meadows to burst forth … [Read more...] about The Enchanting Islands
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The Treasures Of Mystery Island
Alex was making just another routine run across the Atlantic Ocean in his cargo plane when his girlfriend's lucky talisman started to glow. Moments later, as his ride dove toward choppy waters, he found himself parachuting to the sandy expanse of an uncharted island. When a native rescues Alex, he … [Read more...] about The Treasures Of Mystery Island
Time Breaker
A giant sea serpent lashes at the screen. A majestic Pharaoh dances like an Egyptian. A helicopter spins and whirls in three-dimensional space. The detail on the chopper is so extreme, you can see through its window and into its cockpit. Like a mad scientist’s fusion of Magic Ball and Hyperballoid, … [Read more...] about Time Breaker
Magus In Search Of Adventure
Enter a world of beauty and enchantment, where a young mage named Magus stumbles upon a stash of priceless gems, ripe for collecting. After stepping through a portal in the woods outside his home and finding a treasure map, the young apprentice sets aside thoughts of his training to gather the … [Read more...] about Magus In Search Of Adventure
Tots ‘N’ Togs
Business sims are more popular than ever, and there’s a good reason: everyone wants to earn big bucks! Such games let you imagine you’re a big chief in the dog-eat-dog world of restaurant ownership, a cigar-chomping fat cat in the railroad industry or the manager of a thriving theme park. The … [Read more...] about Tots ‘N’ Togs