Embark on a brain-bending, mysterious journey with Jessica, an adventurer and riddle-solving lover. During vacation part of an ancient map comes into her hands. Intrigued by an old legend and the hidden treasure, Jessica fearlessly sets out for adventure. Find rare items, missing pieces of the map … [Read more...] about Jessica – Mysterious Journey
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Tropical Fish Shop 2
Help Annabel and Harold organize their pet shop by diving and collecting colorful sea creatures in Tropical Fish Shop 2! After finding an incredible treasure, Annabelle and Harold are able to move their pet store into a new spacious building. Help them get down to business and equip and arrange the … [Read more...] about Tropical Fish Shop 2
Crossworlds – The Flying City
Monica and her father, Professor Dumbdore, have invented a unique device, a teleporter that enables traveling though parallel worlds! Mysteriously, Monica’s father disappears and it’s up to her to track him down! Investigate the different worlds and meet interesting characters as you track down … [Read more...] about Crossworlds – The Flying City
Eternal Night – Realm of Souls [Second Update]
When the sun sets on ancient Egypt for seven long days, the Pharaoh calls on a hero to reopen the passage to the Land of the Dead to face the gods themselves! As the Chosen One, explore ghostly underworlds and sunken temples on your search for relics and clues! Employ alchemy and spells as you solve … [Read more...] about Eternal Night – Realm of Souls [Second Update]
Phantasmat Collector’s Edition
After crashing your car in the middle of nowhere, you stumble upon The Drowned Dead Hotel, a lonely forgotten structure leaning from a cliff. Beneath lies a dark and cold lake that used to be a lively town. What secrets are buried at the bottom of the muddy waters? Who are the mysterious inhabitants … [Read more...] about Phantasmat Collector’s Edition