In Kerbal Space Program, take charge of the space program for the alien race known as the Kerbals. You have access to an array of parts to assemble fully-functional spacecraft that flies (or doesn’t) based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics. Launch your Kerbal crew into orbit and beyond … [Read more...] about Kerbal Space Program
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Castle Flipper
In Castle Flipper you have the unique opportunity to become a medieval builder. Build your own kingdom and customize it to your liking. You start on your own inherited piece of land. Work as a craftsman to clean, repair, build and decorate medieval, renaissance and baroque buildings and castles. … [Read more...] about Castle Flipper
Coastline Flight Simulator
This is going to be great! Swing into the cockpit and experience breathtaking landscapes while you earn money with a variety of transport orders and trade. Deliver spare parts to Verdiva, do daring reconnaissance missions to a family of whales or to ancient ruins and much more.You can invest the … [Read more...] about Coastline Flight Simulator
Pentomino, or five grid dominoes, is known in China as the "brain racking twelve pieces", Some data records show that it was invented in the last century and many scholars have studied it. The invention of the well-known game "Tetris" is based on the research and simplification of five grid … [Read more...] about Pentomino
Sudoku Variants
Play over 500 levels of Sudoku in four different formats! Bricks, Argyle, Sudoky DG, and Anti-Diagonal! All levels can be solved entirely by logic!The Game Includes: • 600 Sudoku boards! • 4 variations of sudoku! • 100% solvable by logic! • Anti-Diagonal, Argyle, Sudoky DG and … [Read more...] about Sudoku Variants