Enypnion is a game that follows the story of Jonathan, a boy who will embark on a journey to a strange and surreal world. A world of his own creation, since it only exists in his dream. A special guide will accompany and guide him through this journey, providing him with the details needed to understand the world around him.
In this short point & click adventure, you will help Jonathan pass through obstacles, escape dangers, and finally learn something about himself.
The game includes numerous puzzles and objects to be found in more than 20 different locations.
The Game Includes:
• Help a possessed child in the bonus game!
• Replay your favorite HOPs and mini-games and earn achievements!
• Unlock even more content by finding eyes, collectible dolls, and morphing objects!
• Enjoy exclusive wallpapers, screensavers, music, and concept art!
• Never get lost with the strategy guide!
Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10
Processor: 2.5 GHz (Single Core) or 2 GHz (Dual Core)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM
Storage: 500 MB available space