Stars in the Trash brings the magic of animated movie classics into a narrative-driven platformer that combines action, exploration and puzzles. Tired of feeling trapped at home, Moka, a spoiled cat decides to run away and seek adventure. Explore, make friends, fight, and escape from the kennelman.
Tired of feeling trapped at home, Moka, a spoiled cat, decides to run away and seek adventure. His journey takes an unexpected turn when the kennelman threatens the streets. Moka needs to learn how to survive, and appreciate what he left behind, before he’s going to lose his best friend and everything he had.
The Game Includes:
Explore a beautiful hand drawn watercolor world.
Feel the magic of the animated movie classics.
Discover the power of friendship.
Live an emotional journey.
Be a cat..
Did you ever want to experience life as a cat?
Are you into handmade animated movie classics?
Do you like to engage in emotional stories?
Do you like short games (around 2-3 hours of game play)?
Are you ready for intuitive manageable challenges?
Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10 (64 bits)
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 950 | AMD R7 370
Storage: 8 GB available space