The intrepid duo is confronted by a series of challenges, and each has to draw on their powers of invention and deduction to unravel the plot at the heart of this extraordinary adventure.
Follow our intrepid investigators as they explore this unique setting that combines fantasy and the Crazy Years. Converse with colourful characters with secrets to share, solve puzzles, plunge into the heart of the capital, and savour this extraordinary tale featuring a modern art exhibition, poisoned oranges, a magician’s cat, a cyclist, an accordion champion, an esoteric conspiracy, the Paris catacombs, the destruction of the Eiffel Tower and… 9 elephants.
Game Includes:
Solve over 230 puzzles with 8 different modes of play
Explore Paris’s most enigmatic locations
Encounter 20 delightful characters, including a cat
Savour the city’s fascinating atmosphere
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8
CPU: 1.4 GHz
RAM: 514 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 33 MB