Mia Faircroft’s adventures continue in The Heir of Glen Kinnoch! In this classic Hidden Object Game, search through bright and beautiful locations, restore priceless antiques in exciting minigames, and uncover who will inherit Castle MacDougal.
The Game Includes:
• Discover the beautiful Glen Kinnoch and its many stories.
• Play over 30 fun minigames focused on unique antiques.
• Explore gorgeous new hidden object scenes.
• Find the true heir of MacDougal Castle!
Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win10
CPU: 1.6 GHz
RAM: 1024 MB
DirectX: 9.0
Hard Drive: 250 MB
Zsuzsa Belecz says
Dick says
So, I’m back …
For the time being I am tired and painting is almost finished, but all window frames, door frames are ready. I still have to paint 4 doors but I’ll do that later.
It is time for drilling, carpentry etc … to start and the furnishing can begin.
I hope you are all still in good health, here everything else is okay with health.
It takes a lot of time with such a move and refurbishing the house, I have been a bit too busy.
Do odd jobs, eat and go to work, then sleep and get back to work I have noticed the past so now just a step less for the time being.
In a good hour the curfew will start for us in the Netherlands from 9 p.m. to 4.30 a.m.
I have already received exemptions for the night from my employer because the show must go on.
I wish you all a good weekend and stay safe.
Zsuzsa Belecz says
Dick says
Liz says
Welcome Home Dick..have a relaxing weekend dear friend..big hugs to you & Aafke ?????
danna smith says
hi somthing wrong with this site? I see not postings gamed are downloading in less then 50 min. and ofcouse the download fail. whats going on?
Dick says
Nothing wrong with this site.
If you want to download faster, you have to pay.
Otherwise, be patient and be satisfied with the offer of a slow download speed.
danna smith says
I was wondering why my download only took a bit over 40 min which is unsual. but who is complaining lol
Summerset says
It’s not an issue with the site, it’s the download sites this site links to. Many of the sites have lowered their free tier offerings, if they haven’t shut down altogether. And many others are so riddled with ads they’re practically unusable. Site operators have to constantly look for new sites that haven’t been overwhelmed yet.
luzer1 says
Thank you ASG