Enroll in a School Plagued by Suspicions and Lies! You, as Nancy Drew, are undercover at a prestigious girls’ boarding school to discover the culprit behind threatening notes and dangerous accidents aimed at its valedictorian candidates! Is there a secret someone wants to protect or are the girls … [Read more...] about Nancy Drew #21 – Warnings at Waverly Academy
Nancy Drew
This is a list of video games that center upon the fictional character of Nancy Drew.
Nancy Drew #05 – The Final Scene
When a high school friend gets kidnapped in a historic theater, you, as Nancy Drew, are plunged into a desperate race against the clock! With the theater being torn down in just three days, can Nancy outwit the kidnapper and rescue her friend before the wrecking ball flies? Or will this be Maya's … [Read more...] about Nancy Drew #05 – The Final Scene
Nancy Drew Dossier #2 – Resorting to Danger
Defuse an Explosive Situation at an Exclusive Resort!You, as Nancy Drew, must stop a bomber from ruining the Redondo Spa clients’ rejuvenation and relaxation. The high maintenance clients won’t be happy if they find that their retreat is about to explode, even if the bombs are more prankster … [Read more...] about Nancy Drew Dossier #2 – Resorting to Danger
Nancy Drew #06 – Secret of the Scarlet Hand
Help the classic heroine, Nancy Drew, solve the deep and dark secret behind a thief`s scarlet handprint. Follow long-buried secrets, and piece together ancient clues to solve the mystery! Nancy Drew - Secret of the Scarlet Hand is an exciting Adventure game that will have you search through … [Read more...] about Nancy Drew #06 – Secret of the Scarlet Hand
Nancy Drew Dossier #1 – Lights, Camera, Curses
Join Nancy Drew in an exciting new production! A beleaguered movie studio is attempting to remake a classic film that cost its leading lady her life. Go undercover on the set to get to the bottom of suspicious press leaks and uncanny accidents that have put the production schedule in jeopardy. Is … [Read more...] about Nancy Drew Dossier #1 – Lights, Camera, Curses
Nancy Drew #02 – Stay Tuned for Danger
Go Undercover to Save Daytime TV’s Biggest Star from the Danger Lurking in the Wings!Nancy’s reputation for solving mysteries offers her the chance to investigate behind the scenes of a high-profile daytime drama. One of TV’s hottest soap stars is receiving threatening letters and it’s up to Nancy … [Read more...] about Nancy Drew #02 – Stay Tuned for Danger